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Fundamentals Of Ethics-an Introduction To Moral Philosophy
(Wilbur M. Urban)

The BOOK was written by prof. Wilbur M. Urban in 1947 and it contains 476 pages.For easy readerbility, the book is divided into three parts in sequencial order. Part one which is entitled moral theory aims to present the results of reflctive thinking in morals and it explains fundamental ethical concepts and theories.Among the theories contain in the book are formalism,hedonism,naturalistic perfectionism etc.According to him,theory of formalism states that morality is a matter of rational insight and is influenced by necessities.Hedonism on the other hands,considers happiness as the ultimate value. Whereas the naturalistic perfectionism sees morals as being developed through the process of evolution.
Evolution in this sense indicates custom developed into codified laws and finally reached the level of reflective morality.Part one of the book also explains the weaknesses and fallacies associated with the theories of ethics.He equally identifies the nature of man based on psychological reasoning and thought.
Part two of the book is longer and is entitled moral pratice.Attempt was made here to explain and create awareness of the moral problemsa sit affects the societal progress and development.He places adequate emphasis on the idea of right ,duties and justice as moral concepts.The conception of human values is made central in his analysis and he views Institutions as embodiment of these values.He therefore considers ethical Institutions of property and family as a matter of moral imperative.He also classifies values based on universal order of things.
In his classification,organic value are those that are bodily,economical,and recreational.Hyper organic value in other words re values of sociality and spirituality.He establishes relationship between rights,values and duties with specific relevant examples and illustrations.He also relates ETHICS to social justice.Norms of sex life and of the family re also anslysed in detail.
The last which is part three of the book is entitled moral philosophy.Here, the philosophical problems of ethics were carefully stated. He considers morality and religion as correlates.According to him,morality has uniformly appealled to religion for its authority and sanctions.The idea of value is a common feature of the book and it occupies a central position from introduction to the cncluding part.The book emphasizes the relations of ethics to economics and law.
To achieve his goal, he borrows ideas from psychology and anthropology in explaining ethics as an aspect of moral phylosophy.The language used in presenting the ideas is suitable for the target reader-The students of moral philosophy.The book contains index and references were approriately cited at the end of each part.The book,indeed,is well presented and it is therefore recommended as a necessary reading for all students of moral philosophy.

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