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The Future Of The Humanity
(Augusto Cury)

To think about a become attached life of corporeal properties, of pleasure in having? loses a decision? is directed by extra information, where our interests, desires and necessities cover for ideological formations? The illnesses most current say respect to the evil to be of the humanity, the depression are one of the most overwhelming plagues?

Saga of Marco Polo, student of medicine, covers history of search for information concerning beggar, which is and is being dissecado in Anatomical of University, where if it sees a cold relation with the human beings that had not been something, or somebody that symbolizes social status.

Marco Polo at last, finds information concerning the beggar and discovers that the same he was a great man, and for detrás of the beggars of the city, it had yes, great men with refined sensitivity, where if it started to perceive that many of the miseries human beings are arraigadas of happened frustrations of the social environment, where the discrimination perpassa âmago of the soul and transforms the human beings into value objects.

To search the essence of the human beings through dialogues they are for Marco Polo the landmark of a new form to cure people with psychic upheavals, thus leaving to prioritize for remedies the treatments solely.

E the instigante narrative places Marco Polo front the great scientists, of international reputation, where the same through teachings happened of a beggar on philosophy, it instigates them (the scientists) to review its psychic thoughts and treatments. It places in way the Conferences scientists to dialogue in rear, when the same ones present solely the remedies as efficient form. It says Landmark Polar region, the Psycotherapy must be the principal actor of a treatment?

Our personage transfers in way the instigantes experiences, finds a woman with problems and she encourages it to think that for its problems she is very beyond a simple person, places it to think on what really the suicidal ones think, and evidence that exactly they want very is to live, however they want it to destroy is the sad mood, the anguish that suffocates.

The modern society seems to direct itself for a psychiatric hospital, and the measure that the values are manipulated to only have it sensitivity is corrupted and transfers it to live a misery human being. Misery of emotions, emotions that had been rationalized to the extremity, apáticos smiles?

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