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The Flowers Of The Quran
(Mr Ibrahim)

These days it is very important, and may even be a priority in our struggles to present our beliefs without any violence, with gentle words, with "love". This book does not lie about human nature, the characters have the right to make mistakes - not so much mistakes ......but rather experience! Perhaps its not even that.... the exact word is life.... They have had the right to love, the right to sadness, to lying, to stupidity, to joy.....the right to life!
Faith or religion does not exclude people from the category human, nor does it put them under the category of angel, and if we were to change the word religion with the word love we would have the same thing but without hate between us all, without war, unhappiness.... We all share the shame of this era togerher. Not one of us has the right to claim that he is a victim of another. We are all guilty of not being able to, of not knowing how to love...Everything is symbolic in this beautiful piece of work, written by a marvellous philosopher, the young one who like everyone else needed a few little lies to get by, a bit of love to know himself....
The old one, who was also young once, and who not only understood the little MOMO - and there comes the magic of love, the old and the young together in a very beautiful human experience - towards the end we see the love which overcomes all and which has neither creed nor religion!
How many amongst us have the need to be the Mr Ibrahim in life - bringers of love and wisdom...... May we all be the atoms which turn all around the emptiness which is everything..... May we love!

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