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Is A Qualified Or Non-qualifier?s Nature Same?
(Daljit Khankhana)

Disturbance is a cause of interruption. If fair dealing and good service isn?t a motto of educational achievement then what is a person trying to implement? And a professional qualification failed to maintain the system. Everyone likes smoothness. Nobody wants disturbance. If we never investigate the cause of disturbance we can?t maintain the system. Although matters are domestic, social, physical, mental, internal or external. Affairs have cause and we have qualified investigator. If a person is paralyzed and crying for pain and a doctor is enjoying gossip that declares it, a nature of the person is not professional. Education declares that a qualified person gained a standard if he failed to maintain a standard, non-qualified person has judgment that he is not a same person who is qualified if A qualified or non qualifier?s nature is same. If Nature of the person isn?t differing then he uses to admit that I am untouchable as you expressed that you are Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jews and etc. Although your education never justified your service and Innocent is facing injustice but he never practiced terrorism as you are exercising. Although you are qualified, you know how to use sources better to exploit others, how long do you expect that you shall go forward? The world society is progressing. It is not our meaning that the intelligent and professional are holding weapons to declare their wisdom. It may possible a cause of disturbance, if you are confused and failed to use break, accident or bad circumstances might have causing you. It is not time to attain criticism; it is time to identify our service, if you want to achieve peace, your nature has cost. No religious preachment and Holy Spirit or faith that can provide you readymade peace, these are yours efforts they believe faith in change.

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