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Se Você Finge Que Ensina, Eu Finjo Que Aprendo
(Hamilton Werneck)

One is about a representation method; where it does not have no comprometimento. Generally when the professor dissimulates that he teaches, and later, nothing he demands, the pupils dissimulate that they learn and nothing they speak. The professors, leave convictos that something had taught and the pupils think that they learn some thing. The school must apply clearly to the pupils in the measure where education is promoted, the intentions and ideology printed in exactly. Such ideologies would be bringing to the pupil a detailing clearly of the objectives considered for the professor. It would benefit in such way that the pupils would look at something with a critical sense sharpened more not subjecting it passive ranks it faculty. The professor during, its teachings to the pupils can repass something of occult form, where its results will go to appear through acts. When evaluating its pupil charges the professor not only to appraise them in accordance with its answers in the text. Before it, the pupil shows a habilidade/competência where the professor notices, but does not take as evaluation. It is the traditionalistic method, knocking down the evolutions of the New School. He fits to each pupil to accept to digest the exercise considered for the faculty to feel incentive to learn, to improve and to grow. Who must initiate this transformation is the professor seeing in its pupil the perspective of the change, making possible to exactly placing in xeque-kills the ranks made for the professor; preventing the anarchic positionings taxes for the system of traditional education. The professor must know the answers of that he teaches, therefore after to trace its goals in its disciplines, it must establish a correlation of them with the pupil. To the questioned being, the professor establishes these connections of the goals and objectives and provides to the answers or tips of them taking the pupil to learn aprender(4 pillars of the education). For the professor, he is enough to make over again that ideology that possuía in its 3º degree after the first period of training in a college of the periphery dalguma city; he was after all, an educator. Today, low wage, the motivation falls and education intrinsecamente also. Thus they enter in the classrooms. The pupils think about illness, in bankruptcy, nothing understand but they are obliged to support the enfadonhas contaminated preleções of pessimism, mixed with moments of deslumbramentos, disillusionment and desperation. It is enough if not to establish goals and routes for the education to become a defective process, a useful idiotice for masters, to the pupils, the school, the system, etc. If they transfer the problems existing, that is to banish the proper education, in this they would be the professors denying the primordial and proper capacity of them; to educate.

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