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Computer Robber
(Daljit Khankhana)

Do you believe in or not but this true? It may hard to believe but techniques are upgrading everyday. Spy has such technology they can hijack anyone?s computer but never blamed as hijacker of a plane. I am experiencing trouble when people come to investigate my computer.
This was third time; I ?d upgraded and changed my broadband service.
Every time I thought this might has better service than others.
I was wrong. Every person is willing to enjoy his number one status as Microsoft.
I was surprised yesterday when I was trying to work on my word files, Computer security center captured my computer and removed all my word files. When I was trying to open them again,? they were connected with security center page.
Last time someone removed my unpublished novel and lost few chapters as today few unpublished poems and short stories.
Whom do you blame for this robbery?
A Broadband company, Microsoft or them who robbed me.They can enter into my machine, I never bothered but when they removed my files, I felt always abnormality.

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