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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

Douglas Adams is ideed an ironical author. He is able to build simple sentences and make us laugh just by adding an ambiguous word or expression at the end of it. His jokes are smart, inteligent, always pushing us to relate his characters to our everyday life.The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is the first book, forming a 'trilogy' of four ones, seeking to relate some unusual but somewhat known characters to our modern way of life. An englishman, Arthur Dent, and his friend, Ford Prefect, face the end of the Planet Earth as we know it. Ford Prefect is not from our planet, as the reader will know right at the start, and Arthur is saved by his weird friend and both travel through the space looking for the meaning of life. This is the essencial search in the book, but such matter is often added with more complex and unusual questions regarding each character particularly.The reader has two choices when reading such book: read it without any commitment and read it with attention. Both choices are pleasant, but the second one is more fullfilling. Firstly, the Earth is destroyed, and Arthur goes on to space with Ford. Then, they meet one of the most funny and complex Adam's characters: Mr. Beeblebox. The book has already developed into a movie, which is equally worth-while. Douglas Adams is able to join science, humor and good literature into his books.Soon I shall return giving you more details on this and the next books of this marvellous author. In the meanwhile, enjoy this reading attentiously, and do not forget to give his words the proper credit. Some things are more serious than they really seem. This is Douglas Adams, a joker and thinker of the modern world. I will be back!

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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