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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
(JK Rowling)

It is the fourth installment of the Harry Potter series - but by no
means behind the previous three. JK Rowling seems to have the perfect
grasp over her chosen genre.

However, it is different from the earlier books as Harry develops
considerable interest towards opposite sex in this book. So, the sexual
theme comes to the forefront from the background in this book.

As for the plot, Goblet of Fire names three students from the school to
participate in the Triwizard tournament as usual but springs a
surprise by selecting a fourth one also - 14 year old Harry Potter.
Harry also gets a warning that his life is in danger. It contains many
adventures that finally lead to Harry becoming the spearhead in helping
the school to win the competition.

An excellent book for children and an average one for adults. But you
must have read the previous Harry Potter books to enjoy this one.

Resumos Relacionados

- Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

- Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix

- Harry Potter

- Harry Potter & The Philosopher´s Stone

- Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

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