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Find God ,work With Him

Fulfilling your dreams by serving others

Questions of the day:

Who in your life do you need to serve better?

How will this help you to fulfill your dreams?

I was listening to a teleclass today in a series entitled "Think Big Revolution."
One of the things the host, Michael Port, mentioned was that we should serve others.

Ultimately, there was a self-serving component to it in that when you serve someone (for example in media) then, when they are looking for a story, you may come to mind.

God calls us to serve and to have a servant's heart. Jesus said that he came not to be served but to serve -- a ransom for many.

I was then re-writing out my person vision statement -- how I want my life to look this year and I realized that one of the things God is calling me to do is to serve.

Now, I must confess, I am not an "acts of service" type person. I am a quality time person.

Lately, I have been focusing on fulfilling my goals, plans and dreams. Which is not bad and is important. Yet, one of the first callings that came to mind on my personal vision statement was about being a supportive spouse and helping my husband fulfill his dreams and goals. He has some areas of struggle in his effort to fulfill his work calling. He has some obstacles and frustrations. I need to serve him by helping him accomplish his goals. I want him to fulfill his dreams.

The reality is that when we serve others in the long run we are better serving ourselves. This should not be our motive though. In helping another fulfill their dreams are you moving closer to fulfilling your own?

In my situation the answer is yes. God wants me to be a supportive, serving wife. This does not always come naturally to me. I get caught up in my own being and doing. So this was a convicting meditative time for me today.

How about you? Who in your life do you need to serve better? Your children? Your boss? Your company? Your community? Your church? Your mate?

How can serving another help you fulfill your dreams?

You might be surprised at your answers.

Until next time..

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