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Women's Bodies,women's Wisdom
(Christiane Northrup, M.D.)

WOMEN'S BODIES,WOMEN'S WISDOM is an extraordinary resource for WOMEN with health concerns, or those seeking to optimize full spectrum health, including physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.
Dr.Northrup reveals that illness and health are created by life patterns
of the individual, and conventional medicine that treats 'symptoms only',
without acknowledging the cause, cannot cure disease.
We are shown that cultural attitudes which perpertrate addictive and
dependent behavior, plays as much a part in health issues as lifestyle
and diet.
Feminine intelligence derived from whole brain, or relational thinking,
embodies a wisdom and dynamic that offers insight to the body's biology.
Inner guidance allows us to identify destructive belief,habits,and
emotion that profoundly affect the body through the immune system,
endocrine, and central nervous system.
The female physical anatomy is comprehensively explained, as well
as the corresponding female energy anatomy.
We are encouraged to re-claim our power to heal, by living in the
present moment, and ridding the self of blocked or 'leaking 'energy,
associated with old woundings and unresolved emotional issues.
The parallel between female and nature cycles are explored, including
the relationship between the moon and ocean tides, and female body
cycles of menses, fertility, and birth.
Dr. Northrup challenges conventional medical opinion that menopause
is a deficiency disease of the aging female, and considers this cyclic
transition life stage to be a time of wisdom and power.
WOMEN'S BODIES,WOMEN'S WISDOM is an indispensible guide
every woman should keep handy. Christiane Northrup shares her years
of clinic practice and her voice of wisdom with genuine warmth and
depth of understanding of the female experience.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Female Brain

- Healthy Healing

- The Menopause Industry: A Guide To Medicine's 'discovery' Of The Mid-life Woman

- The Menopause Industry: A Guide To Medicine's 'discovery' Of The Mid-life Woman

- Women's Health

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