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Paradise Lost, Book Ten
(John Milton)

In Book X, Milton moves the scene of action to Heaven, where there is consternation among the angels who have discovered what Adam and Eve have done- eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. God now calls for an assembly and asks for verification of this fact. God states once more to the angels that he had given Adam and Eve free will, and they made the choice to eat the apple intentionally. Now that they had done this, Justice must be meted out to them and for that, God sends his Son to Earth to administer justice.

Upon reaching the Earth, the Son metes out justice to the snake. From now on, he can travel only on his stomach and there will be constant enmity between snakes and women- all of Eve?s children will hurt the snake in any manner that they can. But the serpent can still fight back; he can wound people in the heel.

Next He turns to Eve. She must now bear the pain of childbirth and will always be subjugated by her husband. This was set as a norm for all women who followed from Eve. Now Adam, and all his sons will have to labour hard in the fields so that they can eat, and all humankind must be subject to Death, returning to the dust from which they were created. Milton describes this act as a kindly one, so that we can see this action as one of God?s great powers of Mercy. Adam and Eve are clothed in animal skins.

We now look to the movements of Satan- he is heading back towards Hell and meets Sin and Death on the way. Sin falsely tells Satan that it is thanks to him that she is on the way to Earth, and now Satan has control of all of Earth. Satan is pleased with her comments and tells her to hurry onwards to Earth so that Death can begin wrecking his havoc. They now each go their separate ways.

When Satan comes to Hell, he finds all the devils gathered in the Pandemonium. He is given a great welcome by them and is asked to tell them about his exploits. Satan tells them of his twisted victory over God and tells the Devils that they may now inhabit Earth. But instead of applause, there are only hisses- all the devils, including Satan turn into snakes. All about spring up trees like the Tree of Knowledge, but the fruit is inedible, it turns to ashes in the mouth. Thus does Milton show the downfall of Satan.

Now the scene shifts to Earth where Sin and Death have landed and are happy about having such an area for use of their skills. God states that till Judgement Day, Sin and Death can live on Earth and then they shall be cast back into hell. God continues, telling the angels that they must now transform the Earth, putting in seasons and violent weather. He also sends Discord upon the Eatrth soi that animals now kill each other and plague Man. Adam realises that he and Eve are to blame for all these changes and begins lamenting. He initially feels that he is to blame, but then thinks that Eve should have some of the blame too. Therefore he retorts angrily to her, even questioning why she was created, forgetting that he had asked for a mate in the first place.

Eve decides to take full responsibility for all the troubles that were coming on to Earth, since she had sinned against Adam as well as God, Adam had only sinned against God. She tries to explain that she had been tricked by the serpent and begs Adam to forgive her. Adam is moved by Eve?s words, and his feelings for her return. He tells her that they must stop blaming each other and must work together in love to lighten the burdens that have been put upon them due to their disobedience.

Eve now says that they can avoid Gods anger and displeasure either by remaining childless or committing suicide. But Adam feels strongly about this and tells her that there is no point trying to escape. Instead they should try and thwart the Devil and all that he tries to do and to do this, they must pray to God and ask for his grace and mercy.

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- Paradise Lost

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