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The House Of The Spirits
(Isabel Allende)

The House of the Spirits is Isabel Allende's wish to save the memory of the past using the history of three generations of Chileans from the beginning of the twentieth century to the '70s. The story focuses on Esteban Trueba, a humble miner who, thanks to his own strenght,manages to become rich and one of the most powerful land owners of the area. After the impossibilitu to marry Rosa who dies poisoned by mistake, he gets married to her sister Clara, who turns out to be unable to deal with houseworks but is gifted with a weird clarvoyance ability. She is able to interpret dreams and to predict the future with amazing precision. Esteban's brutality, him being a lustful man with a bad temper, will mine his marriage making unreparable damage to it. The conflicts will extend to his children and grandchildren.

Resumos Relacionados

- The House Of Spirits

- A Casa Dos Espíritos

- A Casa Dos Espíritos

- La Casa De Los Espíritus

- A Casa Dos Espiritos

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