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Paradise Lost Book One
(John Milton)

Paradise Lost is an English Epic by John Milton. In the prologue, as with all epics, Milton follows tradition and invokes the Muse, so state his purpose and in doing so, he will justify the ways of God to Man. This Muse lives atop Mt. Sinai, also considered to be The Holy Spirit. Milton states that the poem will deal with man?s disobedience toward God and the future events that occur from that disobedience.

Milton begins the epic in the middle of things- in media res, with a description of Satan, all the other angels and the pit into which they have fallen. They are chained to a lake of fire. We are informed that they have just lost the battle with God and have been cast into hell.

Satan is now at his best, as described by Milton. This is because he still has some remnants of the angel that was once God?s favourite. As the epic continues, he becomes less and less of a hero, changing due to the actions and deeds that he performs. Satan is now described as a Titan. He still has his air of command as a general about him, and asks his fellow devils if they lie prostrate in such a manner because they are waiting for God to smite them once more. He speaks to Beelzebub, his second in command, and tells him that it is better to be a King in hell than to serve God in Heaven.

Satan, with great difficulty, goes towards a plain and from there, calls the other devils to him. Milton now completes the epic tradition of the naming of the characters in the epic- some of them are Moloch, Chemos, Baalem, Ashtaroth, Astarte, Astoreth, Dagon, Rimmon, Osiris, Isis, Orus, Mammon, and Belial. The devils belive that they have managed to free themselves from the chains, but Milton clarifies and states that if God had not permitted it, it would not have happened.

Satan now calls for war. The devils are still well aware of their recent fall from Heaven and their defeat, but Satan tells them that their purpose is to oppose God, seeking resolution by means of battle. His speech inspires his army, and following the direction of Mammon, one of the Devils, they begin to create the Pandemonium- which is to be the capital of Hell, using the mineral resources that they find. Then Mulciber leads them to create a great tower, to symbolize Pandemonium. All this work is completed so that they can have a council.

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- Paradise Lost, Book Two

- Paradise Lost, Book Two

- Paradise Lost

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