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The Asquinn Twins And The Exchange Student
(Grace Brooks)

This is a remarkable book. In these times when little emphasis is put on strong famly ties,Grace Brooks has done a superb job in showing how the love of God can bind together a family.
First of all, Caleb and Core are fifteen year old twins, adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Asquinn as babies. Then the couple had three children of their own and then fostered another little girl, named Delicia. And to top this, the twins' family was chosed to include an exchange student for the school year. With all the other children to care for, Greg Freeman was embraced by the family and treated as one of the family.
When Greg fell through the ice during one of twins and their friends play sessions, the twins and the entire family united in prayer for greg to get better quickly.
There are other events where the family worked and pulled together in unity and love seldom seen in families today. This book is refreshing to read.

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