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Muscovado (red Or Black Sugar) Nourishing And Beauty

Muscovado (red or black sugar) nourishing and beauty

Muscovado so called red or black sugar is a natural made by simply pressing out, cleaning and crystallizing the juice from sugar cane. Most of the people didn?t realize it is a ?precious? of ingredients that contain unique effectual for nourishing and beauty.

Muscovado or red sugar reserve well in nutrition, beside cane sugar, it also rich in mineral such as potassium which maintain the function of heart muscles and digestive system; iron, which helps to make hemoglobin and enhance body?s immune system; calcium, which helps to build teeth and bone. According to a research, every 1000g of red sugar contain 900 mg of calcium, 100mg of iron and etc.

Chinese physician believed that red sugar able to strengthen spleen and keep the stomach warm, it is good for women to enrich blood, beside pregnant women, every women who perplex with pre-menstrual syndrome or feels weak are recommended to have a cup of red sugar drink before lunch, or take more if feels weaker.

Besides, red sugar also benefit elder, however for those over weight, diabetes or high blood sugar are not suitable.

Red sugar is good, but is better to limit to 30g per day because it will affect appetite and the adsorption if over intake. Virus is easily breed in red sugar, so must use boiled water to make the drink.

Previously, when kid sting by bee, parent will use the melt red sugar to smear onto the afflicted part, sooner later the pain will reduce and the swollen part will subside. Besides, when skin feels itch and dry, use red sugar water to wash afflicted part can effectively release the itch feel.

Recently, in a research for red sugar, Japanese researchers found that red sugar contain natural ingredient which good in whitening effect.

However, there are different qualities in red sugar, the good quality red sugar with dark red in color and taste strong in sweet flavor

The storage for red sugar also important, because it easily adsorb smell, so it cannot store together with things with strong smell, is better to keep it at the dry place. The correct storage for red sugar can last for a year.

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