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Le Livre Des Sagesses / The Book Of Wisdom
(Frédéric Renoir)

Frédéric Renoir writes on his research into the foundation of religions: "In the beginning of creation was the verb" That may be so, but what of the origin of religion? The Gods themselves of course did not construct religion, rather, it was man. Whatever one thinks of Islam with the prophet Mohammed, Abraham for the Jews, or Jesus Christ in Christianity - even if he is considered a God by the church, he simply presented his message to his disciples - if we do not quote just the traditional religions, as all have had their ?messenger?, today you could say that they were simply ?spokesmen.? If that is the case, then are these really wise men? Have they really been ?sent?? Who inspired them? What made them write books like the Bible and the Torah, or the Karma Sutra for that matter, if we stray from the world of ?philosophy?! It is into this captivating history of the mysteries of the universe and undiscovered treasures that Frédéric Renoir and Ysé Tardan-Masquelier invite us, with the help of around fifty world renowned experts. From the Buddha to Thérèse d'Avila, from Sénèque to Gandhi, from Ibn 'Arabî to Simone Weil, from wise old Egyptians to modern Tibetan Lamas, from the masters of the Hasidism to the gurus of modern India, the reader dives into pools of wisdom and belief. On an all encompassing adventure of curiosity, one rediscovers moving themes which touch the hearts of all men: the outrage of suffering and the longing for happiness, the spiritual path, prayer and meditation, love and compassion, freedom and grace, death and beyond... Quite simply it is a wonderful story, rich in teaching; this work is fabulous. It is truly a pleasure to read!

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