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The Two Images (the Unwanted Truth)

Gone are those feelings of love and devotion,Right or Wrong ? Is it the KASHMIR conspiracy ,MUSHARRAFS supermacy or love among INDIANS AND PAKISTANESE.What is actually working ? Suppose, a hindu boy (VEER) fall in love with a muslim girl (ZAARA) ,in pakistan .He writes a letter .What a hindu can write ? Despite knowing that he is going for the nature's most precious gift, LOVE ,but he knows the truth .He is confessing for being a hindu only because of unhealthy relations created by the human .He is ready to leave the god's gift .That's amazing .Can we help him? We have two options, if we help him we are against our country and if we won't ,we are against ourselves.WHICH WOULD TO CHOOSE.?


The creative was the mind and ingenuous were the calls,
From the days breakfast to the evening stroll.
The world looks stuffy before that ?wonder?,
This rocked my heart with cold and thunder.
Soothing THEN my apparel and actions,
Nights are passed with loving sections.
My world:
Your presence embolden my dreams on sand,
Driving a limousine on American land.
Elegant and composed will be our trend,
If you put your hand in my hand.
We?ll laugh and make the world laugh,
Each day our sorrow?s reduce to half.
Walking down on the aisle with you,
It is something like the dreams comes true.
It is a truth that you cannot be mine,
But I am fine and will be fine.
For the god I seek, have some positive sign,
I attire the person one in crore.
Love and laughter nothing else before,
And you left me scream and begging for more!!
Now I used to fend and exude,
What is that, that made me ?exclude ?.
Is it the religion that made me less?
If it is then I confess.

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