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History Of I Besiege Of Lisbona

Revisore.Il cancellatore. Since the first pages, Saramago, leads to us in a history within to storia.Attraverso the dialogue of two anonymous personages a doctor and a reviser of rough drafts invites to us to
reflecting on that she seems and that that is realmente.Il reviser to which a most normal destiny is touched in reality is a witty man that through an error, in place of, does not become a eroe.Eroe of the daily life, common, that also involuntarily it does not want soccombere.Che opens to the love exceeding an shyness infinita.Uno that philosopher it is indeed .Incalzante the writing of Saramago in the mirabile description of the awakening of the muezzin.Coma says Saramago
? reviser a name has to us, Raimundo.Raimundo Silva.E' is called one that shame also of its name and that lives a made solitary life of dictionaries, encyclopedias, seats and furnitures, book is a nature morta.Il ?HISTORY Of BESIEGES OF LISBONA " it is piaciuto, a lot that its has made it
and with that error he has changed the storia.I crosses to you will not help the Portugueses to conquer Lisbona.Ecco to appear the ghosts of that he has been, of that it was on the point of being and that could have been All at once irrompe, in its living difficult, Maria Sara.Maria Sara, the roses
and the soldiers that they will be left over in direction of the door of ferro.Raimundo has stopped to dye hats ?for being like are? and to love Ouroana.I Moors defeats and they that they have not addormentati themselves endured.

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