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Many Lives, Many Masters
(Dr. Brian Weiss)

Here is a book that is sure to astound the reader from the very first page to the very last one!! It relates the true story of a renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Brian Weiss, and his patient, Catherine, and the past-life therapy that radically altered both their lives.
A brief introduction is essential here: Dr. Brian Weiss is a psychiatrist, a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, and is the former Chairman of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami, USA.
Dr. Weiss had been working with Catherine, a young patient, for eighteen months. She had come to him seeking help for her chronic anxiety attacks, phobias, and recurring nightmares, which had been plaguing her since childhood. When conventional methods of therapy proved ineffective, Dr. Weiss tried hypnosis, and was stunned, to say the very least, when, under hypnosis, Catherine began recollecting past-life traumas and events. Somehow, these recollections appeared to hold the key to her present problems!! Naturally, Dr. Weiss was skeptical, as nothing in his scientific/rational/objective background had prepared him for this. But as the sessions continued, with time, his skepticism faded when she began relating messages from the ?realm between lives?, which, astonishingly, comprised revelations about his own life. The details she revealed were intensely personal, and he knew something out of the ordinary was happening. Much like a conduit for messages from highly evolved ?spirit entities? called the Masters, Catherine conveyed many secrets related to life and death.
Catherine remains cured today, without any recurrence of any of her previous symptoms.
This book focuses on several details on the mysteries of life after death, and how our past-life experiences shape our present behavior. Since Catherine, Dr. Weiss has conducted in-depth regressions in innumerable patients, with remarkable progress having been achieved in all of them!Many Lives, Many Masters will have the reader contemplating about the boundless potential of the inherent power of the human mind/psyche. Dr. Weiss has detailed Catherine?s past-life recalls in a lucid manner; needless to say, the reader will literally be undertaking a journey of ?self-discovery? with Catherine and Dr. Weiss. This is a must-read for skeptics, for there is more to life than meets the eye, perhaps beyond our five senses, requiring us to unlock and explore our ?inner minds? to witness its myriad of hitherto-unexplored abilities. Think about it???...

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- Many Lives Many Masters

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- Many Lives, Many Masters

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