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The Change Of The Fate

George and Fernando were thick friends. Their parents were closely involved in the business and by that way they became very close. George was very clever and he was scoring high marks in his class. He was obedient to his parents and helped his family whenever he found time. He always got up early in the morning and finished his school works and then went to the church to offer his prayers without fail. He was sure and confident that God would always protect him. He loved God and was very devoted. Fernando was just opposite to his friend. He was a lazy boy. He scored just average marks in his class and did not help his family. He was wandering there and there. George adviced his friend many times, but he did not listen to his words.
One day Fernando wanted to see a movie. He invited his friend George to join him. But his friend was just about to go to the church. He told his friend Fernando that he was going to the church and requested Fernando to accompany him. Fernando replied that he was not interested in praying inside the church and he wanted to enjoy the movie. George went to the church and his friend to the theatre to see the movie.
After returning from the church,George met his friend and said that he met with an accident but fortunately escaped with minor injuries. Fernando was sad to hear that from his friend. Fernando was glad to inform George that he had found a gold chain whie he was coming out of the theatre. He was very happy about it. George was worried of the incident. He wanted to know the reason for that.
In that village, there lived a Father. They met him and explained everything and asked the reason for that. Since he knew all the three stages of the life, he said, George,according to your fate, you should have suffered a fatal injury yesterday, but since you were on the way to the church, you escaped from a major threat to your life. Fernando, according to your fate, you should have got a big booty and since you were not sincere with God, you were provided with a gold chain only. This story tells us that always we have to be sincere with God and we have to offer our prayers.

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