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No One Writes To The Colonel
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

In a small town, in the middle of nowhere, an old coronel paciently waits for a letter from the government that should bring the salary which he deserves. This is a great metaphor on the human condition and the misery existent in the latin America.
Before publishing Cronic of a Death Foretold, in 1981, the colombian Gabriel Garcia Marquez considered No one writes to the coronel his best romance. It is of easy understanding. Written and rewritten nine times, this is a strict book, untouchable, full of feelings in its rhythm of increasing despair - til the extraordinary final explosion. The romance tells the story of a retired coronel, who waits every Friday for his pay day, which never comes. Living with an asmatic woman, he is the owner of a fighting-cock, with which he hopes to gain some money to eat. Throughout the entire book we deal with the despair and unhappiness of this family, whose health has all deserted. The old man and his wife talk to each other in an amazingly sad dialogue, which makes the readers feel desperate with their unluck. They hesitate to sell their fighting-cock because they expect to earn some money but at the same time they think it would be good to do so, in order to buy something to eat immediately. I recommend you to read this book because it tells a story which reflects the author himself, at the time he went to Paris to see if his books could be finally published and enjoyed by the general public.

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