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How To Keep Mind Calm

It is very difficult for everyone to keep the mind calm. In our regular daily life, we are facing so many problems. But no pronblem stays for a long time. When you are waiting for a bus or a tram, some times they wouldn't arrive in right time. It would be there after 8 or 9 minutes. But during this time, the mind goes restless and thinks of the unwanted things. It strains itself. It is just a matter of a few minutes. Even if you catch that bus, you are going to be at the right time in your office. So, as far as the time is concerned, there is no change. No delay, no loss. The only loss is the happiness in the mind. But when your mind stays cool, you can find the alternate arrangements also without any further delay and you can even reach your destination without being late. But when you are frustrated, you can do nothing further and you would land in trouble. You have to keep your mind very calm, even when you have to face any problems. When you are calm, the solution would be there. But if you are not calm in your mind, there would be no solutions. Sometimes, we used to think and got worried about the problem that is going to be faced after a few days. It would be enough for us to worry on the day of the problem.
Just because that we do not know how to keep the mind calm, we worry in advance, which is not required. As soon as you get up early in the morning, just pray for a while and there ends the problem. Then, for that particular day at least, the mind would be free from the troubles. This is the way to get rid off the problems. You should have confidence on Him that He would be there to provide the solution.

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