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Angelina Jolie: The Hollywood Star Who's Something Else

Angelina Jolie: The Hollywood star who?s something else: this is how author Harald Keller describes the woman to whom he has devoted his latest book ?Angelina Jolie? (out now from Bertz Publishers) ? undeniably one of the most interesting women in Hollywood. She is an Oscar winner and is viewed as one of the most beautiful women in the world; she has been adapted from the Tomb Raider computer games as the curvaceous Lara Croft; and she?s every make-up artist?s nightmare, possessing 13 tattoos, none of which are permitted to be seen in her films.

The author devotes time to all of these themes in his biography of Jolie. In 158 pages we discover how Angelina became who she is, why she is who she is... beginning with her childhood and the trials of a teenager after her parent?s divorce; her first steps into a brutal and heartless film industry; the complicated father-daughter relationship with her own father Jon Voight, likewise an Oscar winner ? all of this had left its mark on Angelina Jolie.

Harald Keller not only sketches out a vast quantity of information, but also lets Jolie speak for herself by working from many quotes and interview excerpts. In this way the reader uncovers details which paint a very different picture than that painted by the headlines of the tabloid press. Jolie?s filmwork is described in several chapters, supported by production photos and the aforementioned quotes. It is interesting to read the reasons governing Jolie?s choice to shoot this or that particular film, as well as how she reacts to the physical stress of her work.

And yet every time you read it, you are reminded that Angelina Jolie is not your typical Hollywood star ? she is neither a conformist nor a diva like perhaps the majority of Hollywood actors and actresses. Angelina Jolie would not be Angelina Jolie if she wasn?t up for trying everything new, heading away from traditional routes or even making a bad impression, even if it?s leaping into a hotel pool at a Hollywood gala! To conclude, this book has been written as both a filmography and biography of the life of Angelina Jolie.

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- Angelina Jolie

- Angelina Jolie

- Angelina Jolie

- Angelina Jolie

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


