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Titanic - The Facts And The Film
(James Cameron)

The history of the ship
When the Titanic first sailed from England in Early April 1912, people thought that she was the finest ship afloat. Nothing could go wrong because she was the largest ship on the seas, equipped with the very latest devices. However, on the night of April 14th the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in about 3 hours. 1503 people, including many of the rich and famous, drowned in the tragedy. The disaster was the largest of its time.

The film
The film has made more money than any other previous film. It cost $300 million to make but after only 58 days it had made $350 million at the box office. It is probably going to be the first film to reach the magic $1 billion figure in takings. At the Oscars ?Titanic? won eleven Academy Awards, including three for its creator James Cameron.

The plot
The historical background and the details connected with the ship are very accurate but the plot is fictional. Leonardo Di Caprio plays the poor Jack Dawson who is travelling to America to start a new life there. During the voyage he meets Kate Winslet who plays Rose, a Society Lady. They fall in love. Before Rose met Jack, she was very unhappy and did not want to marry her fiancé Cal Hockley, played by Billy Zane. However, after meeting Jack, her life has a new purpose and many years after his death she still remembers him as the love of her life.

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