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The Lord Of The Rings Part Three The Return Of The King
(J R R Tolkien)

Part three starts with Pippin riding away with Gandalf after looking into the stone. They were on their way to see Denethor, the father of Boromir and Faramir. Denethor asked Pippin to recount the last moments of Boromir as he was the last to see him alive. Pippin swore allegiance to Denethor as they await the seige from the Black Riders. Aragorn rode with Gimli, Legolas, Merry with Theoden and Eomer. They met Halbarad of the North bearing a staff for Aragorn from Galadriel. It will be revealed later on that Aragorn will be the king and the healer of the injured. After three days, Aragorn decided to part company with Theoden and Eomer and take the faster way to the land of the enemy, the dreaded Paths of the Dead. Most of them heard rumours that everyone who went that way never returned. Aragorn revealed to Gimli and Legolas that he looked on the stone of Orthanc and forced his will on the stone. Sauron knew that he is the true heir of Isildur. Aragorn told them that it was up to him to redeem the promise to fight Sauron to the end even when there are not many mortal men to help him. Even Halbarad came with him too. They passed by Edoras briefly and Eowyn gave them food and makeshit lodging in haste. She begged Aragorn not to go and asked to come with him but Aragorn refused for her duty is with her kin. And they left early before light. The way was so filled with an eerie terrifying feeling that the hobbits and even the horses refused to go on. Aragorn willed them to proceed and they all followed him including the spirit warriors that inhabited the place.Meanwhile Denethor asked the help of Theoden as it is hopeless to defend his territory without help. Theoden decided to come and help with Eomer and left only a small contingent to defend his territory. Merry became his esquire and Eowyn disguised as one of the soldiers took Merry to ride with him unknown to the king. But they will not get there on time until most of Gondor was burned and trashed. Boromir was outside the gates and was hit by a poison arrow even if Gandalf was able to come to his aid. Denethor despaired and became disoriented when they brought Faramir's body in. He ordered his servants to prepare a funeral pyre for him and Boromir in the citadel. He lost all will to live. Pippin told Gandalf and he was able to convince Beregond to disobey Denethor and they took Faramir's body into the healing house but they were not able to save Denethor as he was determined to die. When nearly all hope was lost Theoden and Eomer arrived.They fought hard even if they were outnumbered by the Black Riders.Theoden killed their leader and his followers fled but Snowmane was hit by an arrow and fell on him. As the great bird of Nazgul was ready to devour Theoden's body, Eowyn disguised as Dernhelm the soldier beheaded the bird but the Black Nazgul broke her arm and shield. Merry pierced his knee and went for his head and killed the Dark Lord but also broke his arm. Theoden spoke to him before he died. Whe Aragorn arrived they knew he is the king and he healed the wounded including Faramir, Eowyn and Merry. Pippin told the other hobbits how Aragorn tamed all the cowards who turned their backs on Isildur. Even the ghosts of the dead obeyed him as he fulfilled the oath and broke the curse of Isildur. Meanwhile Sam found Frodo after the orcs were fighting each other. They stripped him to show his clothes to Gandalf and Aragorn when they were outside the gates to intimidate them and make them surrender. Sam and Frodo looked for a way to scape as Frodo became wearier from the weight of the orc gear and the ring. Sam sang some of the magic elven songs to help the ward of danger. Gollum came to stalk them again to steal the ring from Frodo and snatched he but fell down to his death with the ring. So the burden of Frodo was gone. Aragorn and Gandalf were still battling the orcs although it was turning on their side. Then the eagles of the North flew by and Gandalf asked them to bear him they found Sam and Frodo near the mountain of fire and lifted them to safety. So Aragorn and company were victorious. And when all was well in the kingdom, Galadriel came with Master Elrond and others from the North to bring Arwen to be Aragorn's bride. Later on Faramir will marry Eowyn too. The hobbits would soon go home to Rivendell and Gandalf told them they have trouble in their own home base and to be prepared to settle it themselves with no help from him. They found out htat Saruman and Wormtongue ruled the place and they assembled all their kinsfolk to rise against the lawlessness that happened while they were away. They were succesful and their shire was peacefula again. As Sam married and started a family, Frodo asked him to escort him on his last journey on the ship with Gandalf wearing the third ring.

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- The Lord Of The Rings Part One The Fellowship Of The Rings

- The Lord Of The Rings Part One The Fellowship Of The Rings

- The Return Of The King

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- The Lord Of The Rings (the Two Towers)

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