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The Everything Parents Guide To Children With Add/adhd
(linda sonna phd)

I read this book for the very first time and was terrified. I think this is a book all parents should read befor medicating their child. You are always hearing how medications hurt, kill, or cause more damage than good. This book also tells you other things that cause add/adhd like actions and alternative ways to help our children. I was all for medication because my son was out of control. But after I read this book it changed my whole out look. I started my son on a precidure called nureofeedback also known as biofeedback. So far it has been working with out medication. The one thing that makes me very angry is that doctors do not or not educated enough to tell you about these other alternatives like homeopathic medicine or getting blood work, brainscans, alergie testing. I have found that with everypassing year our doctors are being bought by drug companies and/or everyone wants a quick fix. I will tell you after reading this one book it changed my life. I have cut off T.V. and my son is such an angel. Now im not saying hes perfect no child is but he is 110% better than he was with out meds. I have joined add/adhd support groups and have talked about this book. I am so close to talking to the news paper so I can let others know about this one book. I have reserched and studied all kinds of books and information I am like a walking add/adhd enciclpedia. I have stressed and worried for 3 years whats going to happen to my son when he gets older. With all the warnings and medical proof that add/adhd medicine hurts and kills our children we should be doing something about it.I read an newspaper artical in the k.c.star on 1/05/06 about adderall xr a medication my 5 yr old son was on, and how it was killing children its not a high number but 1 child dieing of add/adhd meds is still to high in my book. So please read this book if you still feel like medicating your child/children then ok atleast you have information about the meds and thing that will cause add/adhd like actions. I hope you take this seriously because these meds are just leagle forms of speed/meth. Read, think it over then make a decion please for the children and the future. by misty w.

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