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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

The Hitchhiker?s guide to the galaxy is a comedy science
fiction novel and is the first book in a series of four, the other three being ?The
restaurant at the end of the universe?, ?So long and thanks for all the fish? and
?Life, the universe and everything?.Originally a radio series the book is
probably Douglas Adams? most famous work and has had several TV and film versions. The book follows Arthur Dent - a hapless Englishman who one day discovers
that his good friend Ford Prefect is an alien and that the Earth is going to be
destroyed ? in a few minutes. After escaping the destruction the book describes
their adventure around the universe and their encounters with many different
alien species.The title of the book
comes from an electronic encyclopedia that Ford Prefect happens to have a copy
of in his satchel (along with his towel). The book is interspersed with quotes
from The hitchhiker?s guide, for example ? ?a towel, it says, is about the most
massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have ? any man who can
hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against
terrible odds, win through, and still know where his towel is is clearly a man
to be reckoned with?.This is a most enjoyable read and is suitable for both
young and old ? although the humour is very weird and quite silly in places,
possibly not to everyone?s taste (my girlfriend for example). Some of the items described in this cult book are
in common use today, for example in the book there is a fish called a ?babelfish?
when placed in your ear it translates any language you hear into a language you
can understand, you only need to look at babelfish.com or babelfish.org or
babelfish.altavista.com to see that this has almost become part of the English language!

Resumos Relacionados

- The Famous Hitchhiker's Guide

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- Life, The Universe And Everything

- Life, The Universe And Everything

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