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The Secret Of The Holy Grail
(Chretien de Troyes)

What is the Grail?
In truth the Grail did not emerge strongly into the popular culture until around the 12th and 13th centuries with the familiar poems and stories written by Chretien de Troyes, Wolfram von Echenbach and others, but traces of its idea in Celtic cauldrons and various legends can and have been found. It is believed basically and originally to be the cup that caught the blood of Christ as he hung from the cross or was even used by him at the last supper. The most recent beliefs are in stark contrast to this and yet still back up the Christ mythos and even various royalist propaganda as we shall see. Ever since the publication of The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail by the authors, Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in the early 80's we have had a constant barrage of "bloodline" theories thrown at us, culminating in The Da Vinci Code hysteria we see today. This recent concept gives us the idea that the original word or words used for the Grail; san graal in reality means 'Holy Blood'. However, Walter Skeat (1835-1912 AD) was one of the greatest investigators of the roots of the English language and in his English Etymology, he points out that the etymology of the Holy Grail:
' . . . was very early falsified by an intentional change from San Greal (Holy Dish) to Sang Real (Royal Blood.)'

Although we do not have the space to explain the Philosophers Stone in this short article, we did find that this truly represented both the Gnostic and duality aspect of the wisdom side of the serpent and also was used as a cover for the true mixing of the venom and blood within alchemical texts. As the infamous grail author Wolfram von Echenbach himself claimed that the stone and the grail were one and the same, we indeed found this to be the case. Basically then, the whole Grail mythos is wrong. Not just the latest "bloodline" theory, but also the original concept of it being the literal cup which caught the blood of Christ.

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- Da Vinci Code

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- Le Secret Du Graal Saint (the Secret Of The Holy Grail)

- The Da Vinci Code

- Da Vinci Code

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