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The Sun Also Rises
(Ernest Hemingway)

The Sun Also Rises

Written by Ernest Hemingway, this story is set after the First World War. It depicts relationships among a group of young people in 1920s Europe who attempt to fill their empty lives with travel, whiskey, and love affairs. The story opens in Paris in the early 1920s. The prodigy of this novel is Jake Barnes, an American journalist and War veteran, is leading a somewhat bohemian life in Paris. He has sustained a war injury which has made him impotent and his relationship with the woman Lady Brett Ashley, a war widow, with whom he is in love gets complicated. Brett gets engaged with another person on account of this. Another person, Robert Cohn, a young American writer who was once a boxing champion at Princeton University, is also attracted to Brett. Until Jake, Brett, and the others realize that they are indeed lost, but lost only because they lack the moral fortitude to subordinate individual desires to universal truths, their lives will lack meaning.
Jake and his friend Bill Gorton leave Paris by train to go fishing in the Basque country of Spain; then they join the other members of their party. The symbolic focus of the festival in Pamplona is the bullfight; ordinary citizens risk their lives every morning to "run with the bulls" through the streets of the city. Jake and his friends are expatriates and wanderers all, unable to call any one place home.
There are also scenes of happiness and celebration: the gaiety of Paris nightlife; the splendor of Pamplona at festival time, with its bustling crowds and noble matadors; and the serenity of the Basque countryside where Jake and Bill Gorton hike and fish. Behind the nightlife stands the alcoholism, behind the bullfights the tragic realities, and behind the fishing a generation's unconscious quest for simplicity. The fishing scenes, far from being a mere pastoral interlude in an otherwise frenzied novel, serve to reinforce Hemingway's primary theme; Jake recognizes that he is missing some element crucial to his happiness, and he undertakes a quest to discover his generation's lost values. The novel ends in Madrid, where Jake and Brett ponder the changes they have undergone at the festival.

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