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Html- Markup Language

HTML is a markup language with all the advantages of other markup languages when it comes to seperating structure frompresentation. but HTML has something more; HTML is a hypertext markup language.
Hypertext is a way of organizing information so readers can choose thier own path through the material.Instead of clicking through sequentially organized pages, a hypertext user clicks specially highlighted text, called hyberlink, to go directly to information of interest.There's more to say about hybertext but, for now,the important point is this:HTML is the first markup language to incorporate markup for hyberlinks. when you mark up a document with HTML,you can define some of the text as a link, within which you embed the computer address of another resource on the internet. This could be a document, a movie, a sound an animation, or a file to download.

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- Html

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- O Que é O Html?

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