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White Noise
(Don Delillo)

The real conflict in this novel is with death. Babette, Jack, Murray, and the
rest all seem preoccupied with death and avoiding it. The manifestation of this
conflict seems to come at the very end, when Jack confronts Willie and shoots
Jack Gladney is the protagonist. Not only is he the narrator, but he is also the
focal character. There is no formal antagonist, but if we define antagonist as the object of the
protagonist?s struggle and conflict, then death is the antagonist. Jack?s
constant fear of death and the morning when he believes that Babette?s father
is Death are prime examples to support death as the antagonist.

The climax of the novel comes when Jack tries to kill Willie and in the
process, he is shot himself. This moment leads to the hospital, where both men
are saved, and the last vestige of hope against death is defeated in the person
of the atheistic German nun.

Resumos Relacionados

- Bruit De Fond

- White Noise

- Jack's Success

- Imperfect World

- Last Lovers

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