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The Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning
(Lemony Snicket)

Klaus, Violet, and Sunny Baudelaire's entire world changed when their parents are tragically killed in a fire that destroys their house. Their parents stipulated that they be sent to live with a relative, but unfortunately the only one available is Count Olaf. Olaf runs a theatre company with some unusual people in it - a man with hooks for hands, a person who looks more liked a monster than a person, and some other odd looking people. Olaf is cruel to the chilcren and forces them to not only cook their own meals, but to cook for the people in the theatre company as well. If cooking were their only chore it would be bad enough, but each day Olaf had a list of impossibly hard chores for the children to do and beat them if they were not done right. The children learn that they will inherit a fortune once Violet, who is 14, becomes an adult. When Olaf learns of the fortune he begins to scheme of ways to get his hands on it. He decides the best way to get it is to force Violet to marry him. The three children decide that will not do and work on a way to avoid it. Klaus, 12, is the researcher and planner of the group, Violet the inventor, and Sunny is.... well, an infant. They decide to try and get in touch with Mr. Poe, a friend of their parents' who works at a bank and who took them in for a night before they came to Olaf's house. When they tell him what is going on, he does not believe anyone can be that cruel and thinks they are making it up. Now there is no one to help them. Can the Baudelaires figure out a way to deal with Olaf? Can they keep him from forcing Violet to marry him? Will their lives ever get any better? Read The Bad Beginning to find out!
This is a brilliant book to read i have the whole set of the series of unfortunate events and i myself think it is brilliant the stories of the Baudelaire's the story is very sad and can turn out to be happy but if you dont beleive me buy the books and read it this bad beginning is just the start Lemony Snicket has 11 more books after this one all to do with the exciting lives of the Baudelaire orphans.

Resumos Relacionados

- A Sreies Of Unfortunate Events Book The Third

- Un Serie De Eventos Desafortunados, Iii

- The Disastrous

- The Disastrous Adventures Of The Orphans Baudelaire

- The Disastrous Adventures Of The Orphans Baudelaire

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