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Bless Me, Ultima
(Rudolfo Anaya)

The main theme of the novel concerns Antonio's struggle to come into his own, to fuse the two parts of his heritage. The world of the New Mexico of this novel is ruled by the Church. However, despite the Church?s hegemony, the strength of indigenous belief system come to light. The people who have this dual heritage have managed to live under the Church?s edicts while still practicing more ancient religious rites. This syncretism, or co-existence of two competing belief systems--is the struggle of the young narrator?s boyhood.
Anaya plots the novel according to the seasons of the year. The novel has the rhythm of the seasons.
It opens in the spring when Ultima comes. It ends after the harvest time in the Fall when Ultima dies.
In between, at least two years pass. Antonio goes to his first year of school, skips second grade, and goes to his third year of school. school occurs in winter, the time when children are not needed on the farms.

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