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The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is probably the most well known book in the Western world. It has been around for centuries. It is a collection of factual text, genealogies, diaries, poems, proverbs and letters written over a span of over 2000 years. It is a detail of Jewish history, dating from the beginning of mankind to the birth of Jesus Christ, to around 100 years after his death. It is the most controversial book in society, for thousands of years emperors ordered for it to be destroyed and yet it is a book that today exists in the majority of American households. The Bible is controversial because it says that God exists and can do miracles; that Jesus Christ is the son of God and died on the cross so that everyone could live forever in paradise; and because it gives advice on how we can all live together and form a good, ethical pure society. A factual account on the meaning of life and an explanation of the afterlife is bound to cause people to a) radically change their behavior and live like God wants them to, b) start burning books that don't agree with them, or c) admire the Bible for its elegant writing but do not regard it as historically accurate. There are so many accounts in the Bible that are so fantastic that they are hard to believe, such as Jonah being swallowed by a whale and then living to tell about it, but then that is the whole point of the Bible, to believe in God through faith when you know that there is no scientific explanation for what had happened. It epitomizes the theory of free will, for if the story of God was easy to believe, there is not really any choice but to believe it. But to believe the Bible and all of the miracles of God as well as the theory that we can live forever through the blood of Jesus Christ, well that takes faith.

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