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Live Life To The Full
(fm conway)

its been eight years since my mother had an accident in a car crash,which made her paralised from head to toe.its also been hard as i was expected to watch my younger sister and brother when i was 16 now am 24 and kaden ,skie are twins there are now 9 years old its only hard now because now there older they keep asking why she is unable to look after them.i dont know what to tell them i just explain that she loves us and she'll be better soon.
everday is the same old day get my sister and brother up and ready for school,then i head off to work its not much am only a fulltime sales assistant in a groicerie store its good money and you can meet diffrent kinds of people then iv got my regular customers.but 1 day ill make it in the big time am really good at country music iv wrote my own songs and recorded it to a cd and sent it away to many record producers,3 months ago.but not a word from anyone. kaden keeps telling me dont give up 1 day u'll make it big,well i hope so.now work has finished i need to get ready for making dinner then i usually help them with their homework.when they got ready to go sleep skie rememered that a parcel came in the door for me,they looked so happy i was so scared so i opened it and it was my cd s back kaden and skie strarted to cry they thought everything we've been through they thought i deserved it,but at the bottom af the parcel their was a note it said ''dear millissa kranz i am pleased to inform you that the producers from universal islands records ltd loved your music and would like to meet you a.s.a.p for a 6 weeks trial in sanfransisco yours thankfully george brown''.kaden and skie were so happy i just couldn't beleive it i phoned gran she offered to look after mum and the twins for 6 weeks it was scary when i left.kaden,skieand gran were there wishing me all the best it didnt feel write leaving mum and the twins but if i got a bit of money it would work out for us all.igot on the plan and j lo was there 2 meet me,it was the best time of my life.first class''great''

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