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A Winter Away
(Launa Needham)

A Winter Away
It seems so strange to me, Christmas is coming but the days are getting longer and the weather hotter. Not that I am complaining, far from it. I sire am not going to miss plugging in vehicles, scraping ice coated windshields, or 30 minute warm ups, rock hard car seats and square morning tires. Nope not going to miss a -40 winter one bit.
But I am missing home. I miss my mom running around like a crazy person, trying to get everything perfect. I miss my boys and hearing them say ( no matter how old they are) oh Santa could bring me this or that. I going to miss bundling up in 12 layers of clothes, the first Saturday of December, piling 4 wide and 2 deep into a pick up truck to hunt for the perfect Christmas tree, or at least 2 trees that with a drill and a little wood glue will make the perfect one.
I?m going to miss watching the grandchildren decorate nana?s Christmas tree, then after they are gone watching Nana (fix it). Papa sitting in his big chair, grumbling about how much room, noise, mess etc. the grandkids use or make.
I?m going to miss Christmas Eve and the exchanging of cards, wishes, prayers, hugs and kisses. I?m going to miss homemade hot apple cider and ice cold eggnog around my mothers table.
I?m going to miss the gathering of all of us Christmas morning, the wide eyed looks of the little ones faces, the smiles of the older ones, and the look of total exhaustion on the faces of the grown-ups. I?m going to miss the ooohhhsss and aaahhhhssss , the smiles, the laughter and the thank yous.
I?m going to miss mom?s turkey dinner with all the trimmings, the silly hats, the stupid jokes and the simple heartfelt grace given b my dad.
You know, right now 40 below doesn?t sound all that bad.

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