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Because The People Suffer?
(Expedito Arantes)

God is not the author of the suffering. Much less of the death. By the way, Jesus fought and won the death, for what! reason it would create something that future would go to fight against?
In the Bible discovers this mystery today?, God always if it presents as the God of the life, that is, that one that wants to give a new life for the people. E for this reason, the enemy of God, the demon, placed the death in the world. The death entered in the world for envy of the demon (Cf. 2:24 wisdom). God then is not author of the death, the death and the suffering some in God does not cause joy therefore it created all for the existence (Cf. Wisdom 1:12 - 14). then because we suffer? Through a personal experience with God and many studies, I could evidence that three causes of the suffering in our lives exitem:
1ª) It can be a Temptation: action of the enemy of God.
2ª) Can be a Provação: action of God.
3ª) You can be harvesting what she planted: our proper ações.
As we know which the cause of the suffering for which we are passing? It is simple!
to be able to identify that type of suffering we are in submitting, we need to understand the end the one that it in takes them. He seems complicated? We go to understand? When we pass for definitive situation and this in them leaves a peace, a fortaleza feeling and a confidence after to be finished, is about a provacion!
If we are in a situation and to its end you have the impression of failure and that we could have in the left one better, one is about a temptation!
and when we face a difficulty which leave-in the some sequel or something that is difficult of if forgetting, that cause division, mainly familiar or conjugal, we pass then for what we are harvesting had what before, we plant.
God allows that let us be proven. However the suffering that in the cause is for our proper construction and change of habits. The other sufferings are of guilt properly ours or the evil. Nor always only of the evil, therefore we have that to assume our errors many times. E nor always ours, the presence of the evil, the person of the devil, is real and present in our world and we cannot close our eyes for this. But who is with Jesus, is free of the evil. God is the God of the life and not of death: Em truth, in truth I say you: who believes in me has the perpetual life. (João 6,47).
does not suffer more, delivers Jesus to it!

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