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The Bible

Could the book of the lord actually be the wolds best seller from many centuries ago. The diversity of the scriptures in time and place make it difficult if not impossible to believe the Bible was written by a single person or group. The Quoran throws more conjecture into the argument raising the question "Which book is the original?" Was the Quoran translated from the bible or was the quoran a translation of the bible? Researching the Quoran at www.wikipedia.com reveals that the 2 texts are very similar as if translated from one to the other except for the ommission of names in the quoran. Maybe their was no translation availablefor names? Which scriptures are the original is very irrelevent when the authenticity of neither can be confirmed. It could be that all of the worlds wars between religious factions are all fueled by nothing more than the worlds best (ever) selling novel. Even if the Bible and Quoran are what they claim to be it is impossible to believe the interpretations that are emphasised by religions who are more interested in poltitcs and finances than real people like you and me. It is the age to believe in ones self and other human beings and forget about religion based on little more than belief. It is easier to believe in each other as flesh and blood than sit with people in church on a Sunday and then change their face to exist in a competitive ruthless society on Monday.

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- Misquoting Jesus. The Story Behind Who Changed The Bible And Why.

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