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Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets
(Joanne K. Rowling)

Harry must once again spend his summer break with his relatives, the
Dursleys. While he is there, the Malfoys house elf Dobby appears in
order to warn him not to return to Hogwarts. During their ensuing
fight, Aunt Petunia's cake hits Uncle Vernon's business partner. Harry
is immediately banished to his room, where he is eventually rescued by
his friends Ron, Fred and George Weasley. Harry spends the remainder of
his vacation at the Burrow.

On their way back to school, Harry and Ron miss the train. In order to
get to Hogwarts, they use Mr. Weasley's flying Ford Anglia. At Hogwarts
a Whipping Willow pulls them from the sky. Snape wants to expel them
from the school, but Professor Dumbledore convinces Professor
McGonagall to let them stay.

During the year, the "heir of slytherin" is rumored to have returned.
Harry himself becomes a suspect, because he speaks Parseltongue, the
language of snakes. He is suspected of have petrified Mrs. Norris and a
few students.

However, Harry and his friends manage to solve the mystery. Before they
can do anything, Hermione is petrified, too. In order to save her and
Ginny, Ron's sister (who has been abducted), Harry and Ron enter the
chamber of secrets with their Defense of the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy
Lockhart, who is a total nuisance.
Ginny had gotten hold of an old diary, through which Lord Voldemort was able to manipulate her.

Once inside the chamber of secrets, Lockhart tries to delete Harry's
and Ron's memories, because they found out that he is a fraud. Due to
his using Ron's broken wand, his spell backfires and causes a cave-in.
Harry is now separated from Ron and Lockhhart and must therefore go on

With the help of Dumbledore's phoenix and the sorting hat, Harry can
kill the basilisk causing the petrifications and destroy the dangerous

The petrified students can also saved by Professor Sprout's herbal remedies.

Resumos Relacionados

- Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

- Harry Potter And The Chambers Of Secret [part A]

- Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone [part C]

- Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

- Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

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