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Where You Canfind A Town Made Of Salt
(p.naga prasad)

Where you can find a town made of salt
Beneath of the city of Wieliczka in poland lies one
of the most extra ordinary sights in the world a
subterranean town made of salt. This town is in the heart
of a salt mine which goes down to over 00 metres below
ground and her move the 12 kilometres f tunnels. All the
elements that make up the town are built form salt,that
isform sodium chloride ina crystalline state,which has a
consistency similar to that of porons stone. Every thing is
made of rock salt fom pilalrs to lamp posts form streets to
bridges. There is everything were that you would find in
any small town a church decorated with bar relief?s a
railway station, a throne-room a ball room small lakes,wide
spacious streets. All that is admired in this town is the
work of theminers who through decades of patient labout
succeeded in completing this colossal talks. Although
there are other towns made of salt in both poland and
austria. Wieticzka is most complete and most perfect of
them all the salt mines there have been worked for ovre
nine centuries.

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