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(p.naga prasad)

Mahagiri was a big elephant. He belonged to a maerchant.
The merchant made a lot of money by putting mahagiri to
work. The elephant was often sent to the forest to carry
heavy logs of wood. Sometimes,he carried people form one
place to another. Once he even carried a bridegroom to the
bridge?s house! At times he was sent to a famous temple
procession once,the people of the village wanted to
celebrate their temple festivals. The festival could not
start till the temple flag was put up. The temple had the
flagbut not flag pole. So the villagers went to the foret
and made a five flag pole out of a tall tree. The flag
pole was too heavy for the villagers to carry. And
somahagiri bbrought the elephants help to fix the flag pole
in theground. They had already dug a hole in front of the
temple. Now, mahagiri carried the flag pole upto the
hole. But suddenly he stopped and turned back the mahout
who was sitting on him,ordered him to plant the flag pole.
And the mahout was also thrownoff the people became so
frightened that ran for their lives. Mahagiri was nw lone.
He moved to the hole and went down onhis forelegs. He put
his truck intothe hole and gently picked up a kitten! The
little cat had been hiding inthehole. The people ha dbeen
watching all this. They now knew why the elephant had not
obeyed the mahout?s orders. He did not like otkill the
kitten. Mahagiri then placed the flagpole int thehole and
held it straight withhs runk. And thepeople covered
thehole with earth. Everyone at the temple gave sweets and
fruit to the elephant. From that day mahagiri became the
vilalgers favourite elephant and the children?s best

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