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(The Bible)

A big fish, a cowardly act, and an all too human reaction make up the story of Jonah, told in the Holy Bible.

Jonah was a minor prophet living in approximately 800 B.C. God directs Jonah to go to Nineveh and proclaim His warning of Nineveh?s destruction for their wickedness. Jonah doesn?t think Nineveh deserves salvation and he wants to keep God only for Israel. He decides to run the other way, to the coastal town of Joppa, and then sail to Tarshish, thinking he can get away from God.

While on the sea, the waters grow rougher and rougher and the boat is tossed about. The sailors fear for their lives. They believe someone on the ship has angered a god, and all the sailors are told to call upon their gods for rescuing. Nothing helps. The captain finds Jonah inside asleep, awakens him and tells him to pray to his god for rescue. Once Jonah sees the turmoil of the sea, he realized he can?t run from God. He tells the sailors that the only way to calm the storm is to throw him overboard. The sailors don?t like this solution, but eventually feel they have no choice but to do as Jonah says. They do. The seas calm and Jonah is immediately swallowed by a giant fish. While inside the fish, Jonah prays to God, confessing his sins and agreeing to go to Nineveh. The fish spits him out.

Jonah makes his way to, and through, Nineveh proclaiming Nineveh?s destruction. The people of Nineveh repent and turn to God. God in his mercy spares them. In response, Jonah is angry with God. He wants Nineveh demolished and he resents God?s forgiveness. Jonah says that he just knew God wouldn?t destroy Nineveh which is why he ran away in the first place, and now he is going to pout. He travels to a hilltop overlooking Nineveh in hopes of still seeing the city wiped out. God makes a plant to grow to shade Jonah as he sits and waits in the heat of the day. The next day, God allows the plant to die in an attempt to teach Jonah that God controls all things. God can do what He wants, offer salvation where He will. Jonah has no control over any of God?s creation. A lesson for Jonah and all of God?s people.

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