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The Stories Form Epics
(p.naga prasad)

The Stories form Epics(The Ramayana_Sree Rama)

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the two epics that we have iherited.They give us the best hman values of ur social and culturallife.. that is why they have remained in the hearts of the people todate. So it is essential for us to know the stories of these two epics. The Ramayana depicts the story of Sree Rama. Sree Rama was the leder Son of Dasaratha,the king of ayodhya. He had devotin and respect forhisparents. So he always obeyed them. He had three brothers. They were Bharara, Lakshmana,and satrughn. The four brothers had their educaion through the best teacehrs. Jhence they respectd their teachers. Therefore they racquired a lot of knowledge. Besides,theybecame good warriors and scholars with best virtues. Sree Rama and Lakshmanna helped a sage named viswamitra in performing a yaga. Leter, theywent to mithila to attend the swayamvara of Sita, the daughter of its king,Janaka. In those idays, the marriages were performed in the customof Swayamwara. Here married Sree Rama in Swayamvara. After sometime,Dasaratha wanted to coronate Sree rAma as crown prince. But one of the wives of Dasaratha of the two boons which he gave her some years before. She wanted the first boon to send Sree Rama toforest for fourteen years. The next one was to make her son. Bharatna,the crown prince. Dasaratha had love and affecin for sree Rama. So he could not decide. When Sree Rama learnt about the matter through Kaikeyee,he decided to go to the forests. Sree Rama?s respect and devotin for his father?s promises were really remarkable. Kaikeyee?s affectin towards her own sonBharatha and her yeilding to the advice of Mandhara were the main cuses for this unfortunate event. Sita was an ideal and loyal wife. She got ready to go the forests with her husband Sree Rama, and face all difficulties in his company. Lakshmana,who was verymuch attached to Sree Rama also accompanied them. However Bhartha refused his coronatin in place of Sree Rama. So he went ot Sree nRAma and requeted hinm to return to ayodhya o behalf of his brother Sree Rama. It shows that he did not have any ambitin for the throne. The bets virtues such as affecti,understanding and spirit of co-operatin were abundant in Sree Rama and his brothers. When Sita,Rama and lakshmana were in the forest,
Ravana the kin of lanka tookaway Sita by force. Later Sree Rama withthehelp of sugreeva and hanuman,themonkey warriors,declared a war against Ravana. Ravana was killed in that battle and Sita was rescued. The eviel desire of Ravana for oterh woman,led him to dstruction. In the fight against Ravana,Sree Rama got the help of nt only the monkey warriors but also vibhivhana, one of the brothers of Ravana. It was to protest Dharma.

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