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The Main Street Horror

It was in the middle of the night when Gary had a quarrel with susane , his girl and rushed out of the party riding on his kamakazie . The party was in the outskirts of the city in a place far away from the mainland ,The weather was chilly and Gary was just wearing hs nike t-shirt ,after riding for sometime when he was halfway down the road he began cursing himself for leaving the party all of a sudden , leaving behind his girl and his leather jacket. He was now giving a second thought to his three year old relationship ,when he suddenly saw a girl standing on the middle of the street.It seemed to him as if the girl had lost her way or something . When he approached the girl he could see her beautiful white face and her pink lips gave him a sudden feeling of comfort and he was breathing normally now for having travelled for so long in a dark highway would give anybody a fright.The girl walked to him and told him that her car had crashed and she asked if she could travel with him to the city. Gary was more than happy to have found someone and that too a beautiful girl he instantly said "sure" hop on ! As they were travelling gary began to feel more cold he was thinking if there was any highway inn, where they could spend the night..... (to be contd.

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