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When To Stop Making Money
(Austin Nweze)

Almost every human being want to be rich.What level will you have attain before you can consider yourself rich?
To attain the ultimate height, all you need to do is to terget the cross-over graph.The cross-over graph is not realy measure by the raw cash you have in your accounts,but by the level of investment you have made over the years.Here you match your income with your expenditure,asset and plot it against the sum of your investments.when your investment income matches your total expences you have captureed the cross-over graph.For instance, when returns of your investment shares and other businesses are constant enough to offset your expences you are no more a poor man.if you choice to buy a luxury car at that time ,your neigbour will think you are buying from your salary,whereas you have only applied returns from some investments you have made in the past.
To arrive at the cross-over graph ,you have to cultivate the habit of investing.This also mean that you have to make saving your second nature .Learn the trick of investing in shares,property and money market.
Ther is need to seek information and education on investments matters.Many people fail hit the cross-over graph because the got the vital financial education too late,or the did not get it at all.A major challenge,therefore,is how to assist your children attain the graph early in lives, by exposing them to creat income wherever the find themself.
Financial intelligence , include learning to make your money work for you and shuning liabilities.the people that spend money anyhow are those that dont know the value of money.learn to respect and value money.

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