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King Of Hoops
(p.naga prasad)

King of hoops

The Heart warming tale of Josh Fromm,
his dog Buddy and their common love,basket ballis tole in
this comedy called Air Bud. Josh(Kevin Zegers)is
distraught after losing his father ina plane crash. And
that?s where Buddy steps in. the dog?s specialty,taught
byhis abusive master Snively(Michael Jeter)who is a
professionalclown,is that he can bounce a baseketball off
his snout intothe hoop with extraordinarytelent. Snively?s
appearances at childredn?s prties are peped up because of
his dog,and for te lown it?s a cause of displeasure. Hving
been abandoned by hs master, when his cage drops off the
truck,Buddy is found and welcomed by Josh. His entry into
eht Framm houshold is followed by a series of goof-ups and
mischief ?like burying the newspaper before the family can
laytheir hands onit. Buddy ultimately helps Josh?s school
team win the basketball championship under the watchful
guidance of Coach Barker (Stephen E.Miller). Now, with
Buddy all over the newspapers and televisin,his owner
demands the return of his pet, and what follows ensures a
thrilling climax to the film. The telugu versin is qite
enjoyable with perfect lip sync and intelligible
dialogues. However,like all dubbed versions,there are
flaws too,First,the names of thelead characters should have
been changed totelugu. Secondly,the dialogues are spoken
in an affected manner that sound more like some of the
Telugu plays telecast o the radio. In other words,there
isno natural touch to the dialogue delivery.
Neverthless,the movies ?directed by Charles Martin
Smith,written by Paul Tamasy and Aaron Mendelssohn and
produced by William Vince and Robert Vince ?can entertain
children endlessly,especially because of Buddy?s antics and
comical capers.

Resumos Relacionados

- Ghost Stories In Singapore National Service

- The Winds Of Autumn

- Death Of A Salesman

- Animal Man #1-26

- My Buddy, Slug

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