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Cup Full Of Myths
(p.naga prasad)

Cup full of myths

Black as hell,strong as
death,sweet as love

Coffee is the ighter fluid that
sparks off the dayof billions of people worldwide,and each
one of those billions appears to have his/her own set of
myths and fears about coffee and caffeine. Relax;some of
them are eventrue. Cures headaches:Yep.This one has some
truth in it. Caffeine increases the power of analgesics
lke aspirin. Caffeine acts by promoting the constricito of
cerebral blood vessels. Caffeine is so effected at
treating headaches that it is prescribed for migraine along
with other drugs. Sharpens your wits:Yes and no.Caffeine
quickens reflexes and improve speed in automatic tasks like
sloving minor arithmetic problems and proofreading. But
put down that cupof coffee whilesolving the Hindu
croosword. Caffeine worsens performance in complex tasks
like solving the cross word. Improves athletic
formance:Yes,but onlyif you are a trained athlete.
Drinking too much coffee before a competitin can get you
banned for four years. But coffee is of no use if you are
just a weekend warrior. Raises blood pressure:True,But the
effect is on minor and temporary. And cutting back on
caffeine neither prevents hyperptension nor cures it.
Health risk. Coffee does not cause coronary heart
disease,cancer,fibrocystic breast disease or birth
defects. Sobers uop drunks:No. Coffee will keep a drunk
wideawake,but it will not make him sober. Drinking a cup
of coffee after taking alchol will not keep you safe while
driving. Lightens premenstrual cramps and pms:There is no
evidence to suggest this is true. But drink al you want if
it makes you feel better in the premenstrual period.
Addictive:Yes,it is is. Coffee junkies
experience ?Caffeine withdrawal?12 to 24 hours after the
lat dose of caffeine. Caffeine withdrawalresolves within
24-48 hours. Themost prominent symptom is headache. Other
symptoms include anxiety,fatigue,drowsiness and depression.
Promotes weight loss:No,No,No.

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