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(Marian Keyes)

This book begins with the end of Maggie Walsh?s marriage. A strange place for a novel to begin, yes, but an effective one. The drama begins right away. But the author handles this topic carefully. There is no over-dramatics like seen in perhaps a soap opera. No, there are quiet resigned words, a tired packing of bags, and a gentle veil of barely hidden pain, as Maggie leaves the man she loves.

But life is not over for Maggie. Determinedly, she continues forward. Meeting up with her old best friend in L.A., America, Maggie begins to live life to the fullest, completely disregarding her old life back in Ireland. Labelled by her sisters as ?plain yoghurt at room temperature,? Maggie begins to find out more about herself than she had thirty years previous. Watch Maggie as she experiments with sex and her sexuality?but can a person really change that much? Can Maggie really find her happy ending in L.A?
A brilliant book, witty from the start to finish. There are some radical twists in this book, but that makes it all the more realistic. A great read for anyone feeling a tad confined by life, as Maggie realises her full potential and goes a bit wild. The way this book is written is awe inspiring, observant of the small details as well as the big, antidotes enough to feel a book in themselves, and brilliant, fully explored characters who make you laugh at them, cry with them, and want to strangle them! A marvellous journey of self-exploration, which will leave you guessing as to the outcome until the very last page. An honest, passionate book full of hidden depths and excruciating truths. Life in Hollywood is the complete opposite to the way she had lived before, and yet that doesn?t maker her hesitate, but encourages her to become a little more eccentric just to fit in?I promise you?ll find yourself wishing to join Maggie in L.A, whilst reading the book. You?ll find yourself wanting to go a little wild as well?A marvellous read, all in all.

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