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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austin)

Pride and Prejudice

This book is set in the early eighteenth centaury. Time plays a major aspect in this novel, and makes it all the more intriguing to read as one witnesses the trials and tribulations of these people, and their extremely simple lives. Elizabeth Bennet, the heroine of our story, is not one to conform, however.

This book is a book of fine taste. The humour, a delicious spice of ironic satire and sardonic tone, is evident throughout the whole book, brutally showing the silliness of the brittle social class. Through all these rules and regulations, a relationship begins to strike up, a relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, a highly improbable one? for Mr Darcy is high above Elizabeth?s class, and he thinks he is much too good for her, and she thinks that he is a horrible, cold man.

This story is about the Prides and Prejudices of these characters, hence the title of the book. Neither character will ever find their true happiness, together, unless they can face these faults head on, and learn from them. The transformation of these characters leads to the conclusion which has made this story into such a well know classic, and into such a must read for any person willing to read a story about the journey of two very different people, about a world that is such a complete contrast to the modern one we now reside in, and the story of true love, a true love which must conquer all pride and all prejudice.

With the brilliant writing of the author, one can?t help but sink into the novel. Ironic tones and delicate wit decorate even the most intense of scenes, and it would be a hard mission to not emphasise with Elizabeth?s struggles as she learns just how wrong she might have been?

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