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The Realshakespeare
(p.naga prasad)

The Real Shakespeare?

Some scholars just willnot let
Shakespeare be Shakespeare. A small Academic Industry has
developed around the effort to prove that William
Shakespeare, a provincial lad from Stratford-upon-
Avon,could not have the written the much-loved plays that
bear his name. The ?Real author has been identified by
various writers in the past as Christopher Marlowe,Francis
Baon and the Earl of Oxford,Edward de vere. A new book now
claims the Bard was actually Sir Henry Neville, an English
courtier and distant relative of the Stratford Shakespere.
Shakespeare himself was simply a front man,claim Brenda
James and William Rubinstein in the Truth Will
Out:Unmasking the Real Shakespeare. Ms.James,an English
literature lecturer,said Neville?wanted(the plays)togo
under another name and wanted a poor relatin to have a hand
up.?Ms.James, and Rubinstein, a Professor of History at the
University of Wales,argue that Shakespere of
Stratford,whocame from a modest background and did not
attend university, couldnot have enough knowledge of the
politics,foreign languages and European cities described in
the plays to have written them. Neville, in contrast,was
well-educated,had traveled toall the countries used as
settings in theplays and had a llife that matched up with
what ?Shakespeare?was writing about at the time, the book
says. ?The more we looked into his life, the more
convincing thematch-up became,?Prof.Rubinsteinsaid.
Ms.James said she began exploring the connection between
six years ago when she deciphered what she deciphered what
she believes is a code on the dedication page of
Shakespeare?s sonnects. He code revelaed the name Henry
Neville. ?I thought I must be seeing things;nobody?s ever
heard of Henry Neville. To my great surprise his birth and
death dates were almost the same as Shakespeare?s she
said. Further research turned upmore evidence pointing to
Neville,wh served for a time as ambassador to France The
authors say events inNeville?s life also help explain a
switch in?Shakespeare?s plays from histories and comedies
to tragedies at the start of the 17th century. Neville was
imprisoned in the Tower of London form 1601 to 1603 for his
role in the Essex rebellion. The incarceration, the
authors say, accounts for the more tragic tone of
Hamlet,written in1601-02,and the plays that follow. Many
Shakespeare experts dismiss the theory,?Like mostprevius
theories that challenge Shakespeare?s authorship of the
Plays,this claim makes the mistake of assuming his
education and general knowledge of the world were very
limited,? said Roger Pringle,director of the Shakespeare
Birthplace Trust in Stratford. ?In fact, there is plenty
of evidence to suggest Shakespere received a thoroughly
good classical educatin at the Statford grammer school and
then, for well over 20 years,ws involved inartistic and
intellectualcircles inLondon.

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